My Heart ! My Poem !

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In the heart’s realm, where dreams reside,

A tapestry of words I shall weave,
Through the whispers of the world outside,
A poem emerges, eager to conceive.
Behold the pen, the ink’s gentle flow,
As thoughts dance upon the parchment’s embrace,
With rhythm and rhyme, a tale shall grow,
A symphony of emotions, filling the space.
From nature’s bosom, inspiration takes flight,
The sunbeams dance on a canvas of blue,
The blooming flowers, a kaleidoscope of light,
Nature’s melody, forever anew.
In the silence, where secrets lie,
Where shadows whisper ancient lore,
I’ll paint the night with stars on high,
And let the moonlight illuminate the core.
Within the human heart’s tender grace,
A tapestry of love and loss I’ll explore,
With every line, a soul finds solace,
A healing balm, a voice to restore.
Through words, I’ll capture life’s fleeting streams,
The laughter, the tears, the bittersweet song,
The joys and sorrows, like intertwined dreams,
In verse, they shall eternally belong.
So let the ink spill upon the page,
As the poet’s heart reveals its deepest hue,
May this poem be a respite, a sanctuary, a stage,
A testament to the beauty in me and you.

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